Thursday, April 21, 2005

''Buy Out Ends Man's Fight To Keep Fishing.''

Well it's done ,John Perks got bought out by MNR -Ontario Govt. i guess. Just one more fisherman on the Lake Huron side to get bought of a grid. I hope there's no trouble over it . It was our territory in the first place . They've used it for a 100 years. John Perks said his family has been fishing for that long. Usually when you use someones property[ for lack of a better word] don't you usually rent or lease. But the non-natives have had use of for so many years . There should be no hard feelings,just look at it as it's our turn to reap the benefits. At least what ever the MNR's n OFAH's introduced fish left behind. I still don't know to much about the negotiations. They will be holding a info session soon i hope. For now i guess i'll go to band office n see the Chief and the assessment Biologist. I was gonna put a link in from Owen Sound Sun Times paper but this story was'nt in the on-line section. But i'll post as soon as i find on line. Accordin to reports they bought out the first time, 10 Fisherman for $14,000,000.00. So it's a good guess mayb this buyout will be at least a million, i figure anyway. But i could be wrong. It must be online somewhere the first payouts. The next council meetin is this comin Monday so i guess i'll attend. So i got to meet up with Tom n other Public Works Commitee members n take a tour of our water treatment plant. Try for Monday anyway can't let it slide. It's our younger generation that will pay if we don't fix any problems.
They took water coolers out of the schools so my daughter's sendin bottled water with kids. Well catch the news ..later......ppl.


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