Saturday, November 27, 2004

''All Over But The Crying''

Well we had a meeting this morning and we decided , it would be better if we just called it quits. There is just to much strife between our operations manager and the landlord/co-op member. He has his thoughts on how 2 run things ,and they dont mesh with the way we need 2 operate. He wants to run it the way he did before he let the co-op take over operations. We said to prevent any hardship we would move co-op off premisses, he than got mad and gave us 24 hours 2 get out. We were going to move bussiness to another location but we dont have the equipment needed to run a processing plant. We would need funding to bring new building up to provincial standards . That and other things we were lacking help us decide it would b better to just shut down. We brainstormed but it all comes down to money,and there just is no way that we would be able to continue. So we tried our best but it was'nt good enough. Mayb if we had more input and support from our members it would of had a better chance to work. When its just left up to a few commited ppl,no matter how hard u try its not enough. They used 2 have bitchin sessions at our local restaurant and complain we were'nt doing enough. When this is your first time tryin this co-op thing and you dont know what ur doin half the time , because your learning as you go. What the F_ _k gives them the right to bitch about anything we did or tried to do. I have no regrets about all the free time i put in to try make this fly. And their are other board members of the same mind,and a few that were in it for what they could get out of it. Those are the ones that sided with the landlord/member and put thoughts in his head to kick us out so he could take over the bussiness. Now there out of a job. There still workin , i know not why because it will take a month at least to get things settled with funders, debtors and anyone else who will have a claim. We had a good kick at the can anyway,and we were so close to making it, i think. But we were sabotaged from the inside and u cant protect yourself from that. Its the talk of the rez now,probably umpteen different versions, but the main 1 is we got the boot. I guess i better start prayin that my funding application gets accepted . Id like to try my hand at business, worked for someone else all my . Time to work for me, and i can become slave driver,lol keep your fingers crossed for me ppl..............later


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