Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I decided not to go to my nephew's wedding,buffet n dance n party at their house. I wanted to go cause i made a date to see ppl i hav'nt seen in a while. But im in contact on the internet anyway,amazin tool this comp. Just have to meet some other time.I saw his mom and his sister at the village fair. I took Kerri,i wanted to buy ticket on car,also a 4 wheeler and a 5,000 buck holiday pkg. No luck still walkin not even the trip.lol. I should have got my daughter to buy it on Friday i missed all the daily draws of cash. Oh well i'll buy the Pow Wow tickets they always have good prizes. A 4x4 Truck one year and other good prizes. We no sooner got to fair bought a burger n pop n Kerri leaves me for some1 else.lol It's ok just as long as she had fun. We got to see the fire works they had it was somthin else. Loud,bright just the way it sposed to be. Have to go to ours ,i think Pow wow week-end they havin some. Big council meeting startin on the 8th,missed one they had last week. Gonna try n attend as many as i can this year. Gonna get back on Public Works commitee and mayb Housing. Have to talk with my cuz he councilor rep for CORDA, i need an application for this year. This will be 4th try i feel lucky this time. As long as same councillor don't vote against me. Don't know what i ever did to him. What can ya do. We had a thundern lightning storm and i lost my Firefox agin i never recovered the last one i lost. Im to new at this so i don't know how or where to look. Im tryin to reload but my comp wont take it . It say's there was an error,it damn near loads it just at the verge of loadin and error.Can't even load Mozzila,but my Thunderbird workin ok ,from the same company. All my links n bookmarks lost agin. I'll go on-line to mozzila and get some help. Power outage caused microsoft help to come on n i used system when it came on. I thought i could re-store back b4 i lost last browser but all i did was lose what i had now.Damn. I can undo what i restored but cant get to that link. If its not 1 thing it's 10,000. So ya know what i be up to tomorrow. Well time for bed or chat or tv,2:16 am and im not tired. Mayb chat get the latest gossip.......later.....peeps.


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